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Enriched Living Blog

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Theresa From

Theresa has been dedicated to senior living since 2019, blending her diverse skills and genuine passion to create a meaningful difference. While she graduated from the University of California, Riverside, with a degree in Political Science, her career journey took an unexpected yet deeply rewarding turn. Today, as the Family Ambassador at Silverado Red Rock, Theresa plays a vital role in supporting families as they transition their loved ones into the community. She’s there every step of the way, offering guidance, reassurance and education to help families navigate this important change with confidence and peace of mind.

After a career in hospitality, Theresa discovered her true calling in enriching the lives of seniors. Since then, she has dedicated herself to educating families about the love, compassion and exceptional care that define the Silverado community.

Outside of her professional life, Theresa has a deep love for animals, especially senior dogs. While living in the Bay Area, she fostered several senior dogs, adding even more meaning to her life’s work. A fan of concerts, museums and spending quality time with family and friends, Theresa especially enjoys cheering on her team at Golden Knights hockey games!