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Don Doll’s Story

Four-time NFL Pro-Bowl player Don Doll, a retired defensive back who played for the Detroit Lions, Washington Redskins and Los Angeles Rams, as well as for the University of Southern California, came to Silverado - San Juan Capistrano in January, 2008. Don’s wife, Diana, had been caring for him at home for several years as his dementia progressed. He suffered from multiple medical issues and Diana was constantly worried that he might fall and injure himself.

When the Dolls were invited to attend a granddaughter’s wedding out-of-town, Diana knew Don would be unable to make the trip with her but she knew she couldn’t afford proper care for him to remain at home if she made the weekend trip alone. She felt frustrated and depressed as the date approached for her to make a decision about traveling.

Diana hired a care companion trained to assist her in caring for Don and their dog, Charlie. On the first day Diana was away, Don fell. Although he was not seriously injured, he was bleeding, and because he took blood-thinners, he looked bad. The care companion immediately called her Geriatric Care Manager, who contacted the Administrator of the Silverado community located less than a mile from the Dolls’ home. When the Administrator arrived, Don was sitting calmly in his chair at the dining room table with an ice pack over his eye.

The Care Manager arrived shortly afterwards to join the care companion for the trip to the Emergency Room with Don. The Administrator took Charlie back to her office at Silverado’s pet-friendly community. “When the Silverado Care Manager called to let me know about Don’s fall, I was calm because she had taken charge and everything was under control,” Diana said. “He was hospitalized but the Silverado staff was on top of everything, including caring for our dog.”

When she broke her arm a few months later, it was too hard for her to care for Don at home, so Silverado arranged for him to spend a month at the community. Don adjusted so well that he was able to go with Diana to their son’s wedding two days after he moved in.

After three months, Don’s new home at Silverado became permanent. Diana, Charlie and his children and grandchildren visit often. “I like it that the employees seem to enjoy the Silverado parties as much as the residents and families do,” Diana said, adding, “It’s a good work set-up that obviously comes from the top down. The environment is great for Don, with the music and pets and outdoor areas to enjoy. He may not be able to reminisce about his NFL career anymore, but he loves talking with all the people who come and go every day at Silverado.”